Not What You’re Born With…

Based on decades of research, Andre Erickson at the University of Florida has proven that exceptional performance really doesn’t happen overnight, nor is it determined by just innate talent. In his research, there are seven concepts that are important to consider when thinking about this idea.  

  1. The 10-year rule. It takes approximately 10 years of daily deliberate practice to become an expert. Roughly four hours a day. That’s how we develop mastery. You can’t do something one time and then expect to be a master of it. If you do the right things deliberately over and over again, with time, you develop mastery. 
  1. Training trumps talent. I know we’ve all heard this, but I don’t think we can repeat this fundamental truth enough. Becoming an expert takes effective and efficient training. Experts give themselves direct access to the best techniques, whether that be coaching, pit crews, peer-to-peer discussions, books, seminars, etc. Experts never stop taking the opportunity to train. 
  1. A relentless pursuit for excellence. Once top performers achieve something, they realize that exceptional performance can’t be maintained without continued effort. You can’t just perfect it one time to do it once. You have to continue to be relentless and pursue excellence. Train until you can’t do it wrong. 
  1. More effort, not more success. In my lifetime, the harder I work, the luckier I get. The reality is that exceptional performers do not have higher success rates, they just simply do more. Take massive action. 
  1. Effortful study. Challenging yourself beyond your present competencies makes room for growth. If you’re saying, “That’s not how we do it,” or “you’re doing the same things you’ve always been doing”, you’re full mentally in both your practice and personal life. You’ve got to push yourself. A muscle does not grow without stressing it, nor do our businesses or personal lives.
  1. Successful people don’t have hot streaksThe period when successful people produce the most successes are the times when they produce the most failures. Make the routine your award. 
  1. A higher source of motivation. What’s your why? Why do you exist? Why do you get up every day? Experts are intrinsically motivated to be the best they can be. That’s what mastery is all about. They’re not motivated by fear of failure or by greed. I can only imagine how incredible it would be for you if the person you are today meets the person you are destined to be. 

Remember: It’s not what you were born with, it’s what you become.