Dr. Emily Marshall
Elite Trainer
Dr. Marshall has been a SIDECAR client for many years and has fallen in love with SIDECAR’s systematic approach to running chiropractic businesses. Dr. Marshall started her career as a Chiropractor working with Dr. Thackeray at the Envive Toronto clinic, which allowed her to learn the SIDECAR systems inside and out. She now successfully owns and operates Valley Chiropractic in Peace River, Alberta, Canada with her husband Dr. Jonathan Marshall. Together, they care for thousands of patients and are passionate about creating opportunities to flourish, allowing people to live life on their terms.
Dr. Marshall truly understands the value of coaching and training as she started gymnastics at a young age and became a team Canada gymnast. She volunteers as a coach at her local gymnastics club where her kids are also learning gymnastics. She and her husband have 4 kids. They enjoy alpine skiing, swimming, riding horses, time with friends, and involvement with church and missions.