We have a lot of tools at SIDECAR that we use to guide us on the path to affluence. 

One of the main ones is the “Throttle,” that little booklet that we carry around with us every day. In it are key pieces of information and inspiration. And probably the most vital bit in the Throttle is our goals.  

Why? Because you have to write down your goals. And you have to look at them at the beginning and end of every day.  

Why? Because research tells us that people who write down their goals are much more likely to achieve them.  

Now, we talk to a lot of people who say, “I know what my goals are. They’re in my head.” 

Maybe that works.  

But what we’ve learned is that the act of writing creates a connection in the brain that merely thinking about something does not.  

For instance, when you were in school did you take notes? Of course you did. It was the writing that focused your brain on the most important parts of a lecture or book.  

There’s a great summary of the research on why this works that you can read here

If you have any doubt about whether writing down your goals and reviewing them daily is an effective tool, read the article. But here’s a summary of why it works: 

  • Highlights the importance of the goal to your brain, and that allows your mind to stay primed for opportunities that might help you achieve your aims. 
  • Ensures that you properly clarify each goal and that you understand it completely. 
  • Makes it possible for you to visualize your goals more clearly, especially if you combine the words with actual images and other sensory cues. 
  • Leaves no room for misunderstandings or errors at a later stage. 
  • Acts as a reminder of what your goals are, goals you can easily review along the way. 
  • Gives you the opportunity to cross your goals off the list as you achieve them.  

We believe in this concept so deeply that it’s engrained in the SIDECAR Goal Achievement System. It starts with the “Throttle” and connects to the “FLOW Planner” and “Smart X.” 

We’ll leave you with a statistic from a Harvard Business study that affirms this thinking.  

  • Eighty-three percent of respondents had no goals. 
  • Fourteen percent of respondents had plans but had not written them down. The study found that this group was ten times more likely to succeed than those without any goals. 
  • Three percent of respondents had written down their goals. They were three times more likely to succeed than the group who had some plan in mind. 

Think about that. Writing down your goals makes you three times more likely to succeed.  

Seems like a pretty good idea.  

You know what will be cool? 

The year 2222. You’ll never have to think what year is it? 

Of course, we probably won’t be here in 200 years but who knows, right? (Stay healthy!) 

So, we’ll have to make do with 2022. 

Are you ready? 

Now is the time to take the steps to plan for 2022.  

At SIDECAR, we look at three areas when preparing for a new year. 

  • The “One Word” process to find clarity and feel empowered through one simple action. It’s based on the book “One Word That Will Change Your Life,” by Jon Gordon, Jimmy Page and Dan Britton. We find it’s a transformational experience for people who dive in and commit. Learn more about the process here. 
  • Finding F.L.O.W. and how to be more intentional with the time we have. F.L.O.W. stands for Focus, Loves, Opportunities and Wins. We’ve worked the concept into our daily planner. Order yours today. 
  • Structuring your business goals to ensure success. What are they and how are you going to get there. SIDECAR has the tools to make concrete improvements. Structure your business goals by using the SMART-X systems. Click here to register for online training with SIDECAR 

If 2022 is staring at you from a dark corner of your consciousness, it’s time to throw some light in there. Get intentional TODAY! It’s not going to get better by waiting until after Christmas.  

Give us a call or drop an email if you have any questions.  

We’re honored to be able to continue to serve you. Let’s get ready for 2022. 

Or 2222 if you’re really optimistic.  



You know a trend is significant when it gets named, like “Cable Cutting” or “Binge Watching.” 

By that measure, “The Great Resignation” is real.  

The data supports the name. In August, a record 4.3 million Americans quite their job and there were more than 10 million vacancies. 

That’s why your employee experience is more important than ever. 

It’s not just the cost and trouble of hiring and training a team, which is significant.  

You also must consider that a loyal, well-trained team is one of the best marketing tools you can have.  

Why? Because a great team is what leads to a memorable patient experience. And we know that when a patient has a great experience, they tell their friends and family about it.  

So, what do employees want? Beyond salary increases, how do you improve your team’s experience and keep the good people you have now? 

I was reminded of it recently when I ran across this insightful passage from an interview with Anthony Klotz, an associate professor in the Mays Business School at Texas A&M University. 

Klotz is credited with the term The Great Resignation to describe the recent wave of people quitting their jobs. 

Klotz says in the interview with The Verse, that compensation is important when building employee loyalty but meaning and purpose are key elements in today’s workforce. The pandemic reshuffled our priorities and it’s not just that everybody wants to work from home. [LINK: https://www.theversemedia.com/articles/anthony-klotz-defining-the-great-resignation] 

It’s incumbent upon chiropractors, as business leaders, to instill that meaning and purpose. 

“I think purpose-driven leadership does work,” Klotz said. “Over the last 18 months, a lot of organizations have been firefighting—rightfully so—but they’ve gotten away from reminding employees of how their jobs create meaning and purpose in other people’s lives and their own lives—the pro-social piece. I tell leaders, it’s time to take purpose-driven leadership seriously, because you can help employees make sense of ‘What am I doing for eight hours a day?’” 

Now, I’ll admit that it can all seem academic and squishy.  

But here’s the thing. You can measure engagement, which is the first step to managing it. 

There are systems and strategies to learn what your team thinks of their jobs. You can define your culture and build a world-class team that gets you to the patient experience you need to compete in today’s marketplace.  

It takes commitment, the ability to listen and the willingness to act. 

Not only is it possible – it’s imperative. 

If you want to chat more about your team experience, just drop us an email or call 1-877-727-2705. 


There was a big arrest of a Ukranian hacker announced the other day that you may have heard about.

Or not, because it’s a Ukranian hacker. Who cares? 

You should, that’s who. 

Not because you’re into Ukranian hackers – or hackers of any nationality, to be fair – but because your business is probably vulnerable.  

I put “probably” in there but to be honest you ARE vulnerable. If you’re connected to the internet, you’re vulnerable to hacking. Specifically, to ransomware, the insidious creation of people who can lock down your system and steal your data unless you pay the price.  

And yes, the U.S. government is trying to pressure the Russian government to crack down on the hackers.  

In reality though, it’s unlikely that Vladimir Putin has our best interests in mind. 

What does that mean for you? A lot. 

While it’s the big cases that make the news, small businesses like yours are just as likely to be the target of ransomware. The criminals aren’t out there picking individual businesses out of the air and targeting them. It’s much more indiscriminate than that.  

Ransomware is doing its dirty work all the time, just waiting for someone (HINT: That’s you and your team) to make an innocent mistake. Then the door is open for the party crashers to invade like that friend of your friend in college who spent the night on your bathroom floor.   

You are the weak link in this defense.  

The good news is that there are defined and effective steps you can take to protect your business.  

SIDECAR I.T. can build a wall of security with software and human resources to protect your data – and your bank account.  

Joe Zueger, president of SIDECAR I.T., explains how it works here.

We believe in Joe. We also like the SIDECAR I.T. flat-rate fee system, which removes much of the burden of dealing with I.T. problems.   

Meanwhile, we’ll keep watching for more news about Ukranian hackers so you don’t have to.