The Five Things I Do Every Morning

Over the years I’ve developed a routine that allows me to be my best every day. 

What is the most important time of your day?

The most important time in my day is the first 30 minutes. Why? The first half hour of my day gives me the opportunity to check my attitude and determine where my perspective is. I sit quietly and reflect in a state of gratitude. I think about everything that I am thankful for. Gratitude is crucial for achieving success.

You can’t be blessed with more if you aren’t grateful for what you currently have.

My Morning Routine

From a tactical standpoint here is a list of what I accomplish in the first 30 minutes of my day:

  1. Read a daily devotional. This is my time to be alone with God. This devotional always helps set my perspective for the day and allows me to start my day off thinking.
  2. Review my SIDECAR Throttle. I go through all my 90 day commitments and track my progress.
  3. Plan out my day and write everything down. From 6 A.M. until I go to bed, I plan every minute and every hour. I write down what I’m going to do each hour of that day, what my tweener time activities are, the people I want to contact, thank you’s I want to write, and activities I want to get done.
  4. Find a quote that I want to think about and write that down.
  5. Write down my goals.

At the end of my day I reflect and review on what went well, what I didn’t get done, and re-write my goals.

Develop Your Routine

I’ve found over the years that I am at my best when I start my day in the following fashion. Zig Ziglar famously said, “We all need a check up from the neck up.” I utilize the first 30 minutes in my day to do exactly that! I’m not writing this blog post to say that you need to adapt my routine. Develop your own routine! Find out what you need to do in the first thirty minutes of your day to allow you to be at your best.

Dr. Nathan Unruh

Dr. Nathan Unruh, CXO SIDECAR