The Four Keys to Determine if You’re Actually a Zombie

You  may be a zombie and not even know it. Find out the four keys to identify whether you’re living in the after-life. 

If you’ve observed the trends in the entertainment industry over the past few years you have probably noticed an increased popularity with zombies and zombie culture. Personally, I am amazed at our current societal infatuation with Zombies. From TV shows to movies, video games to T-shirts it’s safe to say there is a healthy following of zombies in modern-day America.

In honor of the zombie trend, I thought it would be fitting to write a post giving some insight on how to tell if you are actually a real-life zombie. That’s right! The following keys will help you identify if you or someone you know is actually living the zombie lifestyle. Here it goes!

1. The day of the week determines your attitude.

If waking up on Monday elicits a different emotional response from you than waking up on a Friday; you’re a zombie. By allowing something as passive as the name given to a day of the week to dictate your mood, you give up your ability to act with intention and begin a zombie-like trend for the rest of your day.

2. You find yourself fitting in with those around you instead of standing out.

Zombies tend to congregate in packs. Mindlessly wandering around looking to devour human flesh. Unless you are operating at the top levels of a Fortune 500 company, it’s probably not healthy for you to fit in with those around you. It’s easier to mindlessly plow through life with like-minded, evenly-matched people around you than it is to stand out and forge your own way.

3. Your thoughts are consistently centered on others.

Now, this point doesn’t mean to only think about yourself and never about others. The point here is that if you are spending your time constantly thinking and chasing others without focusing on yourself, your life, and your own personal achievement, then you are a zombie!

4. You’ve given up hope.

Zombies are the most hopeless form of life (or after-life?). They have no emotion other than constant despair and spend all their time moping. There is no motivation, no desire, no positive attitude on display and absolutely no chance of ever improving their current lifestyle. Instead of attempting to improve their situation they have found it easier to completely give up and live passively.

What now?

If any of the keys match your current living situation consider yourself a zombie. Now, just because you may self-identify with numbers 1, 2, or 3 doesn’t mean you need to embrace number 4. Unlike zombies, we as humans hold the precious ability to self-regulate, self-motivate, and actively pursue a better lifestyle.

The first step to solving a problem is admitting you have one. Well, my zombie friend, if you’ve recognized your current situation and embraced it as reality then it’s time to start making changes. At SIDECAR we’ve got the resources necessary to help you turn around your current life and get you on track to the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Don’t spend today being a zombie, take charge of your life.

Dr. Nathan UnruhDr. Nathan Unruh, CXO SIDECAR