There’s Just Not Enough Time!
Have you ever felt like there just wasn’t enough time in the day to accomplish everything you set out to do?
Everyone has the same amount of time. Barring any event that reduces or ends the amount of life someone experiences, time is constant.
Let’s do the math:
- 24 hours per day
- 168 hours per week
- 8,760 hours per year
As long as you and I are both alive, we’ve got the same amount of time.
The Truth
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average person spends three hours per day watching T.V. Three hours per day equates to 21 hours per week. This ultimately adds up to 1,095 hours per year!
12.5% of an entire year spent watching T.V.
You may be thinking, “That’s not me, I don’t watch that much T.V.!”
What about time spent on your cell phone? Social Media, Messaging, Internet usage… Most reports done show that the average person spends around four hours per day on their phone!
The point that I’m trying to make here is this: You have plenty of time to accomplish what you truly want to accomplish.

The average person spends 12.5% of each year watching television.
If you are feeling pressed for time and constantly find yourself “running out”; re-examine exactly where you are allocating your time. The key to improving your efficiency and ultimately growing is through subtraction. Success is never about adding; it’s always about subtracting! Subtract anything that is not aligning you closer to your vision. Eliminate the wasteful screen time spent on TV or your cell phone.
You might be thinking, “I don’t waste time!” My response? Business does not equal productivity.
If you feel you are being efficient with your time but still don’t have enough, examine the tasks you are performing.
A great principle that we teach at SIDECAR is the one-minute principle. This principle helps to identify exactly how much time you may be wasting in your day. Taking inventory of your time will help to expose growth areas.
Here’s some perspective: every great idea, product, event, or thing that has ever occurred on this Earth stemmed from a person who had the same amount of time that you do!
You have plenty of time. Start making the most of it.
Let’s Ride!
Dr. Nathan Unruh, CXO SIDECAR
To find out more about the one-minute principle and how to apply it to your business give us a call at 1-877-727-2705.