Six Attributes of Successful People


Any great team is full of high achievers. What are some common characteristics that these successful people share?

1. High Achievers Make No Small Plans – High achievers look at life with an “idealistic vision.” They make no small plans. They are always thinking big and looking to be better.

2. High Achievers Are Willing to Do What They Fear – Too often we let fear paralyze us. We become stuck and spend our time treading water. If you tread in one place long enough, you will get tired, and you will sink. High achievers do what they are scared of doing.

3. High Achievers Are Willing to Prepare – No high achiever reached success overnight. Masters of anything understand the need to prepare to get better. High achievers understand the need for an organization to prepare each and every day to execute on their vision.

4. High Achievers Are Willing to Risk Failure – High achievers understand that with every risk comes a chance of failure. When failure happens, high achievers don’t quit. They get up and get over it.

5. High Achievers Are Teachers – High achievers start every day with a beginner’s mindset. They are always searching for solutions through studying, reading, or mentoring. High achievers are willing to create change. They understand the danger of the philosophy, “we’ve always done it this way.” They avoid succumbing to a state of contraction.

6. High Achievers Have a Heart – Out of a heart comes goals, visions, and sensitivity to other people. Out of this sensitivity comes the opportunity to serve others at a higher level.

It’s never too late to become a high achiever. High achievers aren’t born but developed through hard work.